Krzysztof Orkisz

Senior Front-end developer & architect

Krzysztof Orkisz photo


Front-end Architect

Architectural responsibilities:
  • Created architecture and best practices for modern social and e-commerce platform for market leading deathcare services provider
  • Ensuring that the highest data security standards are met
  • Introducing highly-virtualized development experience with Docker, Kubernetes and DevContainers
  • Making concepts of augmenting existing Customer's workflow with AI and ML (Tensorflow + Keras, OpenCV)
Development responsibilities:
  • Used NextJS+React to create highly performant and SEO-friendly web applications
  • Took care about complex build and release process of multiple services, libraries and web applications
  • Created reusable components and styles for other teams
  • Set up multi-stage testing environment using Docker Compose, Playwright and Azure Cloud emulators

Front-end Architect/Senior Developer

Architectural responsibilities:
  • Created architecture for modern Software Licensing e-commerce solution
  • Managed frameworks and best practices for code sharing and reusability - NX-based monorepos
  • Defined procedures and technology for microfrontend architecture
  • Managed framework and workflow for internationalization (i18n)
  • Tech led project with 60+ developers, being member of Frontend Architects board
  • Wrote key microapplications with React and Angular, migrated few crucial applications from Angular to React
  • Produced Playwright-based customized E2E testing framework for custom microfrontend solution
  • Introduced SSR/SSG strategies for key publicly accessible services for increased performance and web crawling
Development responsibilities:
  • Used advanced Angular 2+ patterns to produce efficient and clean UI solutions
  • Created subtle CI/CD pipelines for multiple projects, platforms and environments using Azure Pipelines and PowerShell
  • Created reusable components and styles for other teams
  • Processed advanced billing and usage data from top 3 cloud providers
  • Coordinated work with UX team in order to create beautiful yet fast and efficient data presentation layer
  • Contributed to Open Source projects used by teams by making pull requests with bug fixes and improvements

Senior Full-Stack developer

Worked in several projects for variety of big companies
  • Created rich intranets utilizing MS Sharepoint (both on-prem and cloud-hosted)
  • Developed frontend solutions using set of technologies: Angular 1.5, React, Knockout
  • Made full stack applications with ASP .NET MVC, ASP .NET Web Forms
  • Team-led units from 3 to 8 developers
  • Cooperated closely with clients (daily calls, on-site conferences) around the World


Computer Science (Master's degree)

Cracow University of Technology


I am a dedicated Front-End developer with architect skills and strong FullStack experience.



  • Modern Web Technologies
  • Microfrontends
  • Performance Analysis and Improvement
  • Code Sharing and Reusability
  • Monitoring Stability and Performance


  • React
  • Angular
  • Typescript
  • SASS
  • NodeJS
  • git
  • C#
  • MongoDB
  • MS SQL
  • JEST
  • Playwright
  • Selenium
  • Azure
  • PowerShell
  • Webpack
  • NX
  • Crowdin


  • CSS Grid
  • Bootstrap
  • Bulma
  • Material Design
  • Zeplin
  • UXPin


  • Azure Pipelines
  • Travis CI
  • Github Actions


  • Polish Native
  • English Fluent
  • Spanish Basic


  • History and geopolitics
  • Electronics and SmartHome